Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fashion Mistakes:The Top 10 List Of Things To Avoid!

At some point in all our lives we ve committed one of these fashion faults, or one that doesn t appear on this list but should. By being aware of the major fashion no no s, we can all lead more productive, better looking lives. Here there are: 1) White socks and dress shoes: egad! First of all, no one should be looking at your feet, unless you are wearing incredibly expensive shoes. Stick to dark colors that match your pants and avoid being laughed at. 2) Cowboy ties: unless you are a Texas oil baron, wearing a shoestring with a big cow brooch on it is really not cool. Go for a classy silk necktie with a nice dress shirt or petition for a remake of Dallas starring you as the lead actor. 3) Asian collar: while these were once semi cool in the Tom Cruise era, these are just not the thing anymore and will never be in fashion EVER again. Wear a nice collared dress shirt instead. 4) Acid wash or colored jeans: let s all admit that the 80 s were entirely a fashion mistake, and destroy anything that even remotely reminds us of this period. Dark blue jeans that are nicely fitted will do just fine. 5) Birkenstocks: nothing says I m unemployed and lax on personal hygiene like a clumpy pair of sandals. 6) Flannel shirts: while us nineties children may still rock out to Nirvana and Pearl Jam, this doesn t mean we have to fully embody the spirit of Kurt Cobain with his clothing. Unless you are a lumberjack that is. 7) Old rock n roll shirts: a general rule is that anything that s older than five years should be thrown out. If you just can t part with your favorite Led Zeppelin shirt, then at least do us a favor and don t wear it outside. If you still want to proclaim your affection for your favorite band, get a new, nicely fitted shirt. 8) Bad fit: let s admit that we all aren t in as good of shape as we could be. This doesn t mean that we either a) wear loose clothing to hid our faults or b) go in denial and wear size 30 jeans when we are really a 36. Nicely fitting clothes will work wonders on an out of shape body. Remember, Fonz isn t cool anymore and Mc Hammer s pants never were. 9) Waiting for repeats: we understand that you are loathe to part with your collection of clothes from high school, just in case whatever was fashionable comes back, but even if it does, do you really think it will still fit you and look cool? Probably not. 10) Over accessorizing: there s nothing worse than a guy who wears too much bling. Unless you are signed to a reputable record label, lay off the rings (other than wedding ring), necklaces, earrings or other jewelry. Trust me, those around will secretly rejoice that you have embraced these fashion flaws, and you will benefit from looking better put together.

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